Water saver Logo - FIDO Hot Fetch


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Application - divert to Water Tank

FIDO Hot Fetch connects to your water tank to save the water that would have flowed to the drain when you first turn on the hot tap, and also speeds up its delivery, saving you time.

FIDO enables you to do other things while waiting for hot water to arrive at the tap, and is ideal for preparing the water temperature prior to activating the washing machine for improved results.

When hot water is desired, the user presses a wireless button which triggers the FIDO to perform the hot water retrieval process. When hot water arrives, FIDO automatically terminates the operation with an audible signal.

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FIDO® Hot FetchTM is a simple and intelligent radio linked electronic valve system designed to purge any cold water from the hot water pipe when hot water is demanded by the user. The valve is activated by pressing a remote push button and then intelligently shuts off when hot water arrives. The unit has built in intelligence and safeguard features to prevent abnormal operation and to deactivate the device under fault conditions.

Enlarge - installation Overview
See Installation guide ...


Attractive wireless transmitter buttons
FIDO button - Mount on tiles, plaster walls, architraves etc



·         Time saver - FIDO® accelerates the delivery of hot water to your tap(s), by allowing it to flow at high speed into a water tank. Hot water can be expected to arrive much faster than it would have had it passed through a fully open modern flick mixer tap with aerating flow restrictor.

·         Water saver - save the initial cold water from the hot pipe, which can exceed 5500litres per year per 2 person household and up to 30,000 in older style houses.

·         Convenience - Do something else while hot water is being delivered to your tap, like getting undressed before getting into the shower, or preparing the dishes before filling the sink.

·         Compatible - FIDO is compatible with all tap ware including modern mixer sets.

·         Versatile - FIDO® allows the user/installer flexibility of choice as to the use of the purged water - such as feed to a dedicated water tank connected to toilet cisterns (urban areas), or return to the main potable supply water tank in rural applications.

·         User friendly - activate by pressing one of the remote wireless transmitter buttons supplied. Only purges water if demanded. eg sometimes you may prefer to use the initial cold water in the sink!

·         Clear status Indicators - Audible & visual indication of purge status.

·         Attractive - easy mount transmitter buttons are an attractive feature to modern kitchen, bathroom and laundry outfits.

·         Safe operation - The user can leave the tap closed and unattended while hot water is being delivered. FIDO® has built in safeguards to detect abnormal and failure conditions and to elegantly lock out operation in such situations.

·         Services multiple outlets - One FIDO® unit can service multiple taps on a common branch.

·         Energy Saver - FIDO® propels water by mains pressure - so saves energy compared with automatic, timed, or continuously pumped circulation systems, which typically waste heat energy heating the pipes unnecessarily .

·         Unique, (patent pending), reliable sensing and control technology requires no pumping.


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RRP $199


....featured Product of the month! "Key 2 Owner Building"


“... the most versatile and cost effective hot water saver on the market!"


"... for effective user friendly operation, you can't beat a FIDO!”




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